Mongla is located at 22°29′00″N 89°36′30″E / 22.4833°N 89.6083°E / 22.4833; 89.6083 . It has 27192 units of house hold and total area 1461.22 km².

As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Mongla has a population of 137947. Males constitute are 54.73% of the population, and females 45.27%. This Upazila’s eighteen up population is 77995. Mongla has an average literacy rate of 42.8% (7+ years), and the national average of 32.4% literate.
Mongla thana was established in 1976 and was turned into an upazila in 1983. It consists of 1 municipality 5 union parishads, 37 mouzas and 77 villages. Mongla Municipality is old municipality in Bangladesh.
Total Population 137947; male 54.73%, female 45.27%; Muslim 71.31%, Hindu 24.95% and others 3.74%.
Religious Institutions
Mosque 84, temple 29, tomb 2 and church 11.
Literacy and Educational Institutions
Average literacy 42.80%; male 49.6%, female 34.2%. Educational institutions: college 3, high school 20, junior school 1, government primary school 32, non-government primary school 29, satellite school 5 and madrasa 18, most noted of which is St Pauls High School.
Newspapers and Periodicals
Daily Sundarban and weekly Mongla.
Cultural Organizations
Public library 1, cinema hall 2, auditorium 1, cultural organisation 2, rural club 11, playground 7 and rural theatre group 1.
Main Occupations
Agriculture 21.41%, fishing 6.23%, agricultural labourer 12.41%, wage labourer 13.39%, commerce 15.09%, transport 1.94%, service 16.27%, others 13.26%.
Land Use
Cultivable land 12565.76 hectares, fallow land 611.79 hectares; single crop 99.03%, double crop 0.86% and treble crop land 0.11%.
Value of Land
Market value of first grade of land is Tk 2000 per 0.01 hectare.
Main Crop
Extinct and Nearly Extinct Crops
Coconut, betel nut and sugarcane.
Main Fruits
Mango, black berry, lemon, palm and papaya.
Livestock and Fisheries
Fisheries, dairies and poultries Fishery (shrimp) 760, poultry 60 and frozen fish processing 1.
Communication Facilities
Roads: pucca 17.50 km, semi pucca 23.50 km and mud road 211 km; waterways 70 nautical mile.
Traditional Transport
Palanquin (extinct), horse carriage and bullock cart (nearly extinct), country boat.
Mill & Factory
Cement factories 2 and LP gas 1,
Cottage Industries
Ice factory 10, rice mill 6, blacksmith 15 and wood work 100.
Hat Bazaar
Hats, bazars and fairs Hats and bazars are 17, fair 1, most noted of which are Khan Jahan Ali Hat, Midhakhali Hat and Chandpai Mela.
Main Exports
NGO Activities
brac, asa, caritas and World Vision.
Health Centres
Upazila health complex 1, family planning centre 6 and private hospital 3.